

释放攻击性的困兽 ——一例心理动力学处理焦虑情绪的案例报告

Releasing Aggression: a Psychodynamics Case Report of Treating Anxiety

作者: 季文泽 吴庆涛 / 心理咨询理论与实践 / 2019,1(1):1-16 / 2019-05-17 look7497 look9721

运用心理动力学理论处理一例女大学生因无法表达攻击性而产生的焦虑情绪。来访者因为不停地想周围人的不好之处而影响考研复习,感到十分焦虑,状态持续 2 个月余。咨询师从防御机制、镜像阶段、真我和假我等角度来理解来访者的核心症状,通过充...更多>>


Fictive Motion in English: An Elicitation Experiment


作者: Diego Caroca*, Huili Wang and Hanning Guo / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):79−99 / 2018-08-26 look706 look2094

After Talmy’s (1983) seminal work, fictive motion sentences have received much attention in cognitive- and psychol...更多>>

Framing and Reframing Strategies in Feminist Speech


作者: Lin Li and Ruoxi Guo / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):63−78 / 2018-08-26 look685 look712

Awareness of gender equality has been rising constantly in social arenas as people come to recognize the different...更多>>

English and Chinese Attributive Possession: Grammaticalization and Typology


作者: Dan Du and Chunxiang Wu / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):39−61 / 2018-08-26 look668 look642

This paper investigates the grammaticalization of English and Chinese attributive possession including its path, m...更多>>

Cognitive and corpus investigations of Construction Grammar


作者: Yu Sun and Jincheng Ni / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):101−107 / 2018-08-26 look666 look647