

A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on English Interpretation Teaching in Mainland China Based on CiteSpace (2001-2021)

作者: Li Hongshun Zhang Xinyue Luo Meng / 译道 / 2023,3(2):1-17 / 2023-10-13 look92 look104

This paper employed CiteSpace to study the English interpretation teaching from 2001 to 2021 through bibliometric a...更多>>


Book Review 2: Spelling and writing words: Theoretical and methodological advances


作者: Huili Wang¹, Zhenyu Sun² and Yang Fu¹ / 语言与认知科学 / 2023,7(1):94−112 / 2023-08-16 look138 look201

Book Review 1: Metaphor in language and culture across world Englishes


作者: Yuhan Li / 语言与认知科学 / 2023,7(1):89−93 / 2023-08-16 look107 look120

Unbalanced Trilinguals’ Cognate Processing in L2 in Isolation and in Sentence Context

作者: Lingyun Tian², Lin Fan¹ and Fei Xu³ / 语言与认知科学 / 2023,7(1):1−25 / 2023-08-16 look102 look112

While studies on bilinguals’ cognate processing have commonly examined the cognate facilitative effectas well as it...更多>>


China’s Emergency Language Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Status Quo, Problems, and Solutions

作者: Xu Mianjun¹ Zhao Tianyuan² Deng Juntao³ / 译道 / 2022,2(4):36-50 / 2023-07-18 look115 look118

The COVID-19 pandemic has struck the whole world and posed great challenges to emergency language services (ELS),...更多>>
