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Modern Analytical Chemistry Research

ISSN Print:2707-4765
ISSN Online:2707-4773


Analysis of the Relationship between Carbohydrate Change and Sand Burrow Tolerance under Sand Burrow Stress

现代分析化学研究 / 2022,4(3):14-26 / 2022-11-09 look289 look366
  • 作者: 钱嘉辰     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 沙埋;单叶蔓荆;碳水化合物;抗沙埋
  • Sand burial; Monophyletic vines; Carbohydrates; Resistance to sand buried
  • 摘要: 本文选择烟台海岸沙地抗沙埋强的单叶蔓荆为试材,在自然环境条件下根据单叶蔓荆匍匐茎长度进行了轻度(1/3 茎长)、中度(2/3 茎长)和重度半埋以及全埋处理。在沙埋20d后,测定了不同沙埋处理下匍匐茎各段上匍匐茎长度、枝条高度、不定根长度,以及可溶性糖、淀粉、纤维素含量,以探讨单叶蔓荆碳水化合物变化和转化在其耐沙埋中作用。结果显示,在轻度、中度半埋和全埋下单叶蔓荆匍匐茎长度均显著大于对照,被沙埋匍匐茎处有大量不定根生成;同时,可溶性糖和淀粉含量增高和纤维素含量下降,尤其是生长最快的匍匐茎顶部(如轻度半埋),茎中可溶性糖较低、淀粉增加最多,纤维素最低。但是被重度半埋和全埋的匍匐茎生长较少,茎中纤维素含量较多、淀粉含量较少。研究表明,沙埋是一种胁迫,它损伤叶片、扰乱碳水化合物代谢平衡。但它又是胁迫信号使植物产生适应性反应,它使未遭沙埋的匍匐茎顶端通过加速碳水化合物转化、分解纤维素、提高淀粉和可溶性糖含量,为顶端生长提供能量和营养,以加速匍匐茎快速生长摆脱沙埋。同时沙埋部位枝叶通过分解其纤维素,产生更多的可溶性糖和淀粉为匍匐茎不定根生长提供能量。因此,沙埋后匍匐茎内碳水化合物的转化是其快速生长和摆脱沙埋的能量来源而在其适应沙埋生长中起重要作用。单叶蔓荆对沙埋的适应性反应表现了其具有表型可塑性特性,该特性是其沙埋后维护匍匐茎顶部快速生长、不定根形成、碳水化合物转化以及具有较高抗沙埋能力的关键。
  • The experimental materials were selected from the coastal sandy land of Yantai. According to the stolon length, the treatments of mild (1/3 stem length), moderate (2/3 stem length), severe (half bury) and full bury were carried out. The stolon length, shoot height, advent root length, and soluble sugar, starch and cellulose contents were measured under different sand burial treatments for 20days, in order to explore the role of carbohydrate change and transformation in sand burial tolerance of L. Formosa. The results showed that the length of stolons in mild, moderate half-buried and full buried L. monophylla was significantly longer than that in the control, and a large number of adventitic roots were generated in the stolons buried in sand. At the same time, the content of soluble sugar and starch increased and the content of cellulose decreased, especially in the fastest growing stolon top (e.g., slightly half-buried). The soluble sugar was lower in the stem, starch increased the most, and cellulose increased the least. However, stolons with heavy half-bury and full bury had less growth, more cellulose content and less starch content in stems. Studies have shown that sand burial is a kind of stress, which damages leaves and disturbs the balance of carbohydrate metabolism. However, it is also a stress signal to produce adaptive responses in plants. It can accelerate the rapid growth of stolons to get rid of sand by accelerating the transformation of carbohydrates, decomposition of cellulose, and increasing the content of starch and soluble sugar to provide energy and nutrients for the apical growth. At the same time, more soluble sugar and starch were produced to provide energy for stolon adventitium root growth by decomposing cellulose. Therefore, the carbohydrate conversion in stolons after sand burial is the energy source for rapid growth and escape from sand burial and plays an important role in the adaptation to sand burial. The adaptive response of L. monophylla to sand burial showed that it had phenotypic plasticity, which was the key to maintain rapid stolon top growth, advent root formation, carbohydrate transformation and high resistance to sand burial.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/macr.0403002c
  • 引用: 钱嘉辰.浅析海岸单叶蔓荆沙埋胁迫下碳水化合物变化与其耐沙埋的关系[J].现代分析化学研究,2022,4(3):14-26. 