

Fictive Motion in English: An Elicitation Experiment


作者: Diego Caroca*, Huili Wang and Hanning Guo / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):79−99 / 2018-08-26 look436 look453

After Talmy’s (1983) seminal work, fictive motion sentences have received much attention in cognitive- and psychol...更多>>

Verb-Object Movement Processing in CSL


作者: Zhenbiao Liu* and Noel Woodward / 语言与认知科学 / 2017,3(1):41−56 / 2017-08-26 look486 look489

The study of gender difference is an important sub-branch of linguistic research, especially for language acquisit...更多>>

Humanness and Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese


作者: Maximilian Frankowsky* and Dan Ke / 语言与认知科学 / 2016,2(1):55−67 / 2016-08-26 look542 look534

Mandarin Chinese numeral classifiers receive considerable at-tention in linguistic research. The status of the gene...更多>>

N400 Prediction Effects in Relative Constructions


作者: Huili Wang*, Ling Meng and Shuo Cao / 语言与认知科学 / 2015,1(1):23−54 / 2015-08-26 look542 look650