

Practical Measures and Exploratory Thoughts on the Teaching of "Fundamentals of Materials Science" Course

作者: Hu Di / Advanced Scientific Research Journal / 2025,1(1):19-23 / 2025-01-07 look56 look53

The "Fundamentals of Materials Science" course is an important professional basic course for materials sc...更多>>

Development of a Neurology Word List: A Corpus-based Study

作者: Mingxian Li², Yujun Lee¹ and Dilin Liu³ / 语言与认知科学 / 2021,6(1):44−59 / 2022-04-21 look670 look691

The research finding that vocabulary use is often discipline-bound (Hyland and Tse 2007) has demonstrated the need ...更多>>

The Construction of Acquisition Pattern of Sentence-final Particles


作者: Di Zhang*, Qianli Xu and Robert W. Elliott / 语言与认知科学 / 2019,5(1):1−20 / 2019-08-26 look673 look661

Based on a corpus of four Northern Chinese Mandarin-speaking subjects (children ranging from 1 to 4 years old), thi...更多>>

Fictive Motion in English: An Elicitation Experiment


作者: Diego Caroca*, Huili Wang and Hanning Guo / 语言与认知科学 / 2018,4(1):79−99 / 2018-08-26 look704 look2090

After Talmy’s (1983) seminal work, fictive motion sentences have received much attention in cognitive- and psychol...更多>>
