

Research on the New Path of People’s Mediation System in the New Era

作者: Yang Yanxue / Social Science and Development / 2025,1(1):8-13 / 2025-01-07 look69 look58

With the complexity of the overall social environment in the new era, the diversification of personnel types and th...更多>>

Research on the Regulatory Mechanism of Twist on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Vasculogenic Mimicry in Human Gastric Cancer Tissues

作者: Yu Sihan, Xu Lu / Advanced Scientific Research Journal / 2025,1(1):24-29 / 2025-01-07 look49 look36

Objective: To explore the promoting effect of Twist on the formation of vasculogenic mimicry (VM), so as to enrich ...更多>>

Research on the Preparation of Modified Polyacrylic Acid Superabsorbent Resin and Its Potential Application in Fruit Preservation in Combination with Chinese Herbal Medicine Composites

作者: Zhao Ke, Deng Xueyao, Shi Xin / Advanced Scientific Research Journal / 2025,1(1):1-10 / 2025-01-07 look43 look44

In order to enhance the water absorption capacity and degradation performance of acrylic acid superabsorbent resin ...更多>>

Comparative Analysis of News Discourse on Public Health Emergencies from a Proximization Theory Perspective

作者: Yingchan Yan and Fang Xu* / 语言与认知科学 / 2023,7(1):26−51 / 2023-08-16 look462 look449

This paper describes a study built on a small corpus based on China Daily’s coverage of SARS and COVID-19 and analy...更多>>


Unbalanced Trilinguals’ Cognate Processing in L2 in Isolation and in Sentence Context

作者: Lingyun Tian², Lin Fan¹ and Fei Xu³ / 语言与认知科学 / 2023,7(1):1−25 / 2023-08-16 look400 look400

While studies on bilinguals’ cognate processing have commonly examined the cognate facilitative effectas well as it...更多>>
